Vwaza Marsh

Vwaza Marsh

Vwaza Marsh Game Reserve is a national game reserve in Malawi. Vwaza is managed by Peace Parks Foundation and is located in Malawi’s Northern Region and makes up part of the Malawi-Zambia Transfrontier Conservation Area which spans over 30.000km2.Habitats range from large miombo woodland to open wetlands. In contrast to the Nyika National Park on the Nyika Plateau, much of Vwaza is located on low-lying flat ground although the eastern side of the park is hilly. It is located to the southeast of the plateau and to the north of the floodplains of South Rukuru River and covers an area of 1.000 m2. The reserve is a rewarding experience because of the stunning scenery and high concentration of game, including Hippo, Elephants, Lions, Buffalo and Leopards etc.

There are 5 challets containing two beds, toilet and bathroom. They have a kitchen where you bring your own food and the cook will prepare it for free. Game safari available but in your own vehicle. Walking safari is also an option. This reserve lies in the north of the country on the Zambian border, and is a backpacker's delight. It is accessible from Rumphi by car or public transport. Mvaza  is a backpacker's delight and is accessible from Rumphi by car or public transport.

There are wonderful walks around Lake Kazuni (you must be accompanied by a game ranger) as well as 4x4 trails around the reserve. Animals resident around the lake include: many Hippos, Elephant and Buffalo. Many other smaller animals can also be seen, and the birdlife is excellent, with around 300 species recorded in the reserve including stork, heron and the white-faced tree duck.

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