

Humaira is an emerging artist currently based in Mzuzu, Malawi. Humaira grew up with an immense admiration and appreciation for art and artists alike, and so eventually, though it was unplanned, she became an artist herself. Her artwork has been praised by those who have purchased her exclusive pieces that are now displayed in places that expand beyond her local area. In 2022, her artwork was showcased at the umunthu art exhibition in Mzuzu and most recently at the Art in the park exhibition in lilongwe which received a multitude of praise for her attention to detail.

Always captivated by the beauty of the nature around, it quickly became the subject of her art. Humaira has for the past few years been focusing on seascapes, and more often taking inspiration from the beautiful lake malawi, "It's such a dynamic subject matter" She says, "there's always something that will inspire you".

Humaira's work is generally composed of oil  paint on wood and canvas. The sight of big blue skies and crashing waves instill within her a sense of calm and tranquil and the aim with her art is simply that the viewers feel the same when they see her paintings.

Some research done by Richard Taylor in 2017 shows that spending time in nature, and the sight of naturally occurring fractals such as water ripples and cloud formations even for a short amount of time have an interesting effect on our minds. Fractals reduce our stress levels by 60% and puts us in a relaxed state of mind.

 The same effect is replicated when people look at such patterns in art too. Looking at her art, viewers feel relaxed and at peace amidst all the chaos of their daily lives.

References- Richard Taylor,  the conversation, 31 march 2017, Fractal Patterns in Nature and Art Are Aesthetically Pleasing and Stress-Reducing, smithsonian magazine)

Some of my Art



My Art on Instagram

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