Translation,Interpretation and Video Conferencing  Services

Translation,Interpretation and Video Conferencing Services

Polyglotte Language Consulting is a fully registered language consultancy entity under the company registration act of Malawi and is fully compliant with the Government of Malawi regulatory agencies.

Polyglotte Language Consulting offers:

  • Translation/Proofreading/Transcription including Braille
  •  Interpretation for 18 languages including Sign Language
  • Simultaneous Conference Equipment- Interpretation equipment and Interpreters’ Booth(s).
  • Video Conferencing Equipment and Live Streaming
  • Language Training-from beginners to professional levels


We offer the services in: English, Hindi/Urdu, Chinese-Mandarin, French, Portuguese, Lingala, Swahili, Amharic, Kinyarwanda, Kikongo, Chiluba, Japanese, Spanish, Russian, Arabic and Malawian Languages (Chichewa, Chitumbuka, Chisena, Chilhomwe, Chiyao, Ndali, Lambya, Kiyangonde and Chitonga).

Polyglotte Language Consulting Team has engaged with technical and non-technical documents and Conference meetings in various areas such as Gender, climate change discourse, agricultural communication, Business regulatory, health communication, biotechnology, financial literacy and policy. Polyglotte Language Consulting has a team of three Translators/interpreters for each language. Coupled with the previous Translations and Conference Simultaneous Interpretation we have professionally delivered, Polyglotte Language Consulting has, as such, the prerequisite expertise to handle the Translation and Interpretation (Simultaneous and Liaison/Escort) Services in the languages highlighted above.

Our Services


Simultaneous Interpretation

When people get together to share ideas in different languages, it can be very exciting. Different cultural perspectives bring different points of view and with it the potential for great creative ferment. But coordinating this sort of event needs preparation.

While the first sessions in a conference are often about bringing people up to speed, there’s often a different kind of activity towards the middle and end of a conference. In these phases, delegates are often trying to solve problems, to create new ideas that address the issues raised earlier. This requires delegates to shift from relating to thinking. And this is where good interpreters are worth their weight in gold. A good interpreter helps an organisation create new thoughts and ideas. It demands not only consummate linguistic skills, but also a certain sophistication and worldliness

With over 20 simultaneous interpreters in our company broken down into language and industry knowledge, we can confidently provide suitable interpreters for your event. We can supply interpreters in over 18 world languages, our most commonly requested languages are French, Arabic and Portuguese. Our interpreters come from varied backgrounds and have a minimum of 5 years simultaneous interpretation experience

An impression


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