How to get around
The most local means of transportation are by foot, bicycle, buses, minibuses, taxis, and self- drive. Buses can be general buses which are cheaper, and the executive buses which are a bit more expensive and require booking in advance before your trip. Buses can take you from district to district and are a comfortable means of transportation. There is a wide range of bus companies according to your budget and choice, some of which include bus services from Team Kwezy buses, and Sososo coaches, just to mention a few.
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Minibuses are the most popular means of transportation for locals and mainly used in shorter trips within the city to nearby districts. Not recommendable though for the average western travelers. Taxis vary depending on condition of the car and your comfort depends on that. Tourists can be charged even three times the usual cost and there is need to ask the locals prior to your trip to establish baseline charges. Be prepared for bargaining on the price so as not to spend more than necessary. Go by foot or bicycle during the day. Self-drive is the most expensive considering car hire costs, but it is definitely the most comfortable and exiting transportation means to tour around Malawi.
Rural muddy roads are almost impassable when it rains, but main roads are usually in good state. Roads in the cities can get crowded in rush hours, hence need to travel before these crowded hours if punctuality is to be observed.
Malawi’s rail services offer little in the transportation business. There is a train connecting Blantyre and Balaka that is ridiculously cheap, but slow. Another one is between Liwonde to the border town of Nayuchi.
Sabaoth Recovery Services
Sabaoth Recovery Services is a local organisation that was established in 2019 in Lilongwe. Sabaoth Recovery Services is a 24/7x365 days per year breakdown and recovery service.
SS Rent A Car
Founded in 1978, we are the oldest and most reliable car rental company in Malawi. Wholly owned and run by the Singh family, this indigenous company is proud to boast a fleet with a wide variety of options to choose from.
Services Central region / Lilongwe
We present business in the Central Region & cities by type of business. When you click on a tile below you will be presented with participating businesses on the site.