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Covid Update


A leaflet of ‘Guidelines for Departing & Arriving Passengers at Airports’ was produced in November by the Ministry of Health downgrading the requirement for those with a  negative test result so that they only now have to ‘self-monitor’ but can otherwise travel freely. The latest document states the following for arriving passengers:

  • Passengers will be required to submit to the health officials a completed health traveler declaration form and a negative COVID-19 certificate of no more than 10 days prior to the arrival
  • Passengers without a valid certificate will be required to have samples collected for COVID-19 testing and will thereafter proceed on self-quarantine for 14 days. Results will be communicated in 3 days. They will be followed up by health authorities during the period under quarantine.
  • Passengers with a negative test result will proceed on self-monitoring for signs and symptoms, they can mix with others but are required to always use face masks, observe physical distancing, practice hand hygiene. Should they experience any COVID-19 related symptoms they should contact health authorities

With the re-opening of the airport, Malawi is now open to all nationalities. 

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Wednesday, 26 March 2025

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