Link Policy

If you agree to the conditions stated below please send us an email including your website, url and other relevant information for materials needed for the link. Use of any “Malawi Travel” LOGO is contingent upon your agreement to the following terms:

1. “Malawi Travel” is the sole owner of the “Malawi Travel” Logo which is a trademark registered or pending to be registered in the Netherlands.

Your use of the Logo acknowledges “Malawi Travel” ownership of the Logo. “Malawi Travel” reserves the right to take action against any use of the Logo that does not conform to any of the conditions herein, or that infringes any intellectual property or other rights of “Malawi Travel” or any of its affiliates, or violates other applicable law. All use of or goodwill associated with the Logo shall inure to the benefit of “Malawi Travel”. Use of the Logo does not indicate or create any endorsement, approval, sponsorship, or affiliation of or with your Web site by “Malawi Travel” or any of its affiliates. The Logo is provided without warranties of any kind, express or implied, including without limitation, warranties of title or non-infringement and use of the Logo is at your sole risk.

2. “Malawi Travel” hereby grant you a license to use the Logo, provided you agree that the Logo will:

§ Be used solely for the purpose of linking to Malawi Travel (the “Link”);

§ Link always actively;

§ Always stand alone and will not be combined with any other graphical elements;

§ Not be altered in any manner including its size, proportions, font, design, arrangement, colors or elements, or animated, morphed or otherwise distorted in perspective or appearance;

§ Not appear more prominently than your personal, company, product, service, or Web site name;

§ Be displayed in a positive manner and will not be used in any way that adversely reflects on “Malawi Travel” or any of its affiliates, or their products or services; you will not transfer, assign, sell, reproduce, distribute, or otherwise exploit your Link to us or your use of the Logo;


§ Appear as provided by “Malawi Travel”

3. The license further depends on your agreement that the Logo will NOT:

§ Appear on any pages or Web sites including content or advertising for alcoholic beverages, tobacco, religious or political material, firearms and artifacts;

§ Appear on pages including content which “Malawi Travel” finds in its sole discretion to be objectionable, discriminatory or which includes obscene, pornographic, violent, intolerant, tasteless, or denigrating, or sexually oriented content or materials;

§ Create or give the appearance of creating an endorsement, approval, sponsorship, affiliation, or recommendation of any product or service by “Malawi Travel” or any of its affiliates.

4. The license further depends on your agreement that the Logo will not be used or displayed in a way that disparages “Malawi Travel” or its affiliates or their products or services, infringes any intellectual property or other rights of “Malawi Travel” or any of its affiliates, violates any state, federal, or international law, or diminishes or otherwise damages “Malawi Travel” goodwill in the Logo.

5. “Malawi Travel” reserves the right to make any change to the information and/or license provided herein at any time for any reason. You acknowledge and agree that you are responsible for keeping up with any such changes.

6. “Malawi Travel” reserves the right to revoke the Logo license for any reason, in which case you agree to remove the Link and stop use of the Logo within 12 hours of notice of revocation. In such a case you will be prohibited from reinstating the Link or using the Logo without further written permission from “Malawi Travel”.

This agreement shall be governed by Dutch law.

7. Some links in this website will let you leave this web site. The linked sites are not under the control of “Malawi Travel” and “Malawi Travel” is not responsible for the contents of any linked site or any link contained in a linked site. “Malawi Travel” is providing these links to you only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by “Malawi Travel” of the site.





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